Title: Elena Panaritis @Mediterranean Strategy Group Naples: “The Future of Mediterranean Finance”
Location: Naples
Description: Elena Panaritis will be speaking in a Panel:
9:30 – 11:00 Session I – The State of Play of Cooperation between the North and the South of the Mediterranean and the Impact of the Economic Crisis.
The Eurozone crisis risks weakening ties between the North and the South of the Mediterranean at a time when robust growth is most needed in the Middle East and North Africa to sustain the new politics of reform post-‘Arab Spring’. What is the state of play of economic and financial cooperation between developed and developing economies of the Mediterranean region? How to avoid that the two sides of the Mediterranean grow further apart as a result of economic malaise in the EU?
Organized in cooperation with Studi e Ricerche Mezzogiorno (SRM), Intesa San Paolo Group and the Italian Institute for International Affairs (IAI), and in partnership with the Compagnia di San Paolo, ENEL, OCP Foundation, the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, and the Luso-American Foundation.
Start Time: 9:30
Date: 2012-03-01