“Citigroup sees 90% chance that Greece Leaves Euro”, Bloomberg 25.07.12 “Greece cannot be saved, that is pure mathematics”, CDU’s Michael Fuchs, MP, 29.07.12
Can Greece turn around? If yes How? When?
Friday 3rd August 2012, at 10am House of Hellenes, 69 St. James’s Street
The British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce, is hosting “The House of Hellenes London 2012” closing event, a round table discussion on the future of Greece.
Can Greece effectively address in a timely manner its economy’s downward spiral? Are the EU and Greece equipped to face current and anticipated challenges on the social, political and economic front? If yes, how and when could Greece turn around?
Panelists Vicky Pryce, City economist and former joint head of the UK Governement Economic Service, Thanos Vamvakidis, head of European G10 FX Strategy at Bank of America Merrill Lynch and Elena Panaritis, economist specialising in structural reforms, former MP and CEO-founder of the Panel Group will present and argue a 10’ position each. Commentaries will be offered by Andreas Koutras, Director, ITC Markets and Ljubomir Dragicevic, National – Alamo Greece, Country Manager. Harris Ikonomopoulos, President of the British Hellenic Chamber of Commerce will introduce the discussion and shall act as moderator for panellists, commentators, business and media representatives.
Topics to be discussed include:
• The type of changes required
• The timeframe of changes
• Euro, Eurozone and the EU
• Future Investment Projects
• Financing of Projects
The invitation is open to anyone who wants to share insight, raise questions and get answers.
The round table discussion will take place on Friday 3rd August at 10am at the House of Hellenes, Carlton Club, 69 St. James’s Street, SW1A 1PJ.
Please, register with the House of Hellenes in order to attend: House of Hellenes, Carlton Club, 69 St James’s Street, London, UK
For more information on the “House of Hellenes” visit:
or contact DK Associates, the “House of Hellenes” official media office:
Katilena Alpe – [email protected] or 07419564436
Dimitra Kolotoura – [email protected] or 07984785054